Monday, October 31, 2011

Different manures for different plants…

Hog manure-root crops; horse manure-great for raised beds and grain and grass fields; cow manure-composts; rabbit manure-green, leafy vegetables; chicken manure-flowers and fruit trees; goat and sheep manure-herbs.

Rudolf Steiner: “What is manure? Food gave occasion for the development of dynamic forces and influences in the animal, but it was excreted. Nevertheless it has been INSIDE the animal, but it was excreted. Nevertheless it has been permeated with that animal’s forces, which in turn are responsible for carrying LIVE nitrogen and live oxygen to the soil.”

Interestingly, whatever part of plant upon which an animal characteristically feeds upon is best fertilized by that animal. A hog roots around in the soil—root crops!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Doomed! I am a left-handed farmer...

A teacher: -asked whether children should be broken of left-handedness.

Rudolf Steiner (the father of Biodynamic Farming/Gardening): As a rule, yes! The phenomenon of left-handedness is decidedly karmic, in fact a karmic weakness. (R.S. "Conferences with Teachers-Vol. 4, p. 29.)

Perhaps Steiner is correct. This from today’s article in Salon: “the version most commonly heard is that left-handers die an average of nine years sooner, and that by about the age of forty most have disappeared…”

Yet, it is common knowledge that Rudolf Steiner lauded the peasant culture for their intuitive approach to farming. “We go through the fields, and all of the sudden the knowledge is there in us. We know it absolutely. Afterwards we put it to the test and find it confirmed. In in my youth, at least, when I lived among the peasant folk, I witnessed this again and again. We must begin again from such things.” “Agricultural Course,” p. 53.

I wonder to myself, are there more left-handed or more right-handed farmers out there? Do farmers and gardeners rely more on the right side of their brains (creative, intuitive, and usually left handed) or more on the left side of their brains (logical, organized, and usually right handed).

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Think Twice before Eating Mushrooms!

The common scientific wisdom concurs that mushrooms are OK to eat. In fact, they contain the trace mineral germanium, which is noted for its antiviral and antitumor effects. Germanium also energizes the body. With so many healing abilities and such variety of flavors and textures, mushrooms just may help the body generate energy, offer protection against tumors and virus infection, and bring complete satiety to the mushroom aficionado.

From a Biodynamic Viewpoint, harmful parasites always consort with mushrooms. In fact, you should have a patch of mushrooms on your lawn or on your farm to “keep all sorts of pests away from your garden.” You might well imagine then what happens when you ingest this parasitic-loving food in your body! Dr. B. Toth (“Cancer induction in mice by feeding mushroom ‘Gyromitra esculenta.” “Cancer Research,” 1992; 52(8): 2279-84) found that mushrooms are associated with cancer in lungs, liver, thyroid, nasal cavity, stomach, colon, and gallbladder in mice.

Friday, October 28, 2011

From a Biodynamic Viewpoint, What Accounts for Different Colors of Flowers?

I hope that you enjoy a new series of blogs. I signed off for awhile but am working on the story and magic of Lavender Lane Biodynamic Farm. The unique, cosmic/spiritual, premium organic method of gardening and farming is on my mind.

I often want to share "out-of-the-box insights" by Rudolf Steiner. Some are hard to swallow, but they begin to work on you to the point that they make a whole lot of sense and are then difficult to forget. To balance viewpoints, I shall present a more common viewpoint from time to time and counter that with a Biodynamic Viewpoint. There will be many to follow. Did you know that nitrogen is the most important element when one meditates? Why is sand important for children to play in? I hope that you find them at the very least provocative! Here we go!

From a Botanist Viewpoint, flower colors are used to attract pollinators. Since pollinators fly and therefore have a bird's-eye view, the vivid colors attract these insects from high above. The brighter the flower, the more likely it will be visited.

From a Biodynamic Viewpoint, flower colors have little to do with pollinators. Pollinators are more concerned with odors. Flower colors are a reflection of the cosmos. When we contemplate a red rose, its red color reflects the forces of Mars. Or when we look at the yellow sunflower, its yellow color has less to do with the sun and more to do with Jupiter. A yellow sapphire is the gemstone of Jupiter. What planet would we associate the bright blue flowers of chicory with? Saturn. Sure enough, blue is the predominant atmospheric color of this beautiful planet. The forces of these planets work most strongly below the earth’s surface. That which shines out in the coloring of the flower is what is happening most strongly in the roots of the the plant from a cosmic point of view.